Monday, February 14, 2011

Garage Sale...revisited...

Sad but true. We have an entire guest (technically baby) room of stuff left over from the last garage sale so after much internal debate (and some mild verbal disagreements) we have decided to have another....and hopefully final...garage sale. We're shooting for a week from this coming Saturday (Feb. 26th) in order to get everything out of our house in preparation for the home study. (I'd like the social worker to actually be able to see where this kid is going to sleep) Most of what we have left is kid/baby stuff and clothes so if you know of anyone in need of those, please pass this along. Also, if you know of a good charity in need of these items let me know as we plan on donating whatever is left.

I'll post more details in a few days.

Post again soon,


  1. Mustard Seed of Orlando is a great place to donate to!!

  2. Great! I've heard of them but wasn't sure if they accepted kid's sutff?
