Thursday, March 31, 2011

Question: What do you get when you take one healthy kid and add a fever and a potential exposure to influenza b??

Answer: One Worried Mama!

We got an email from our social worker today. Apparently she was diagnosed with influenza b the day after our home study visit. After being reassured by our pediatrician’s office that there was very, very little chance that Mackenzie had been exposed and even if she had been she should be protected by the flu shot she had this year, I proceeded with the rest of my day undisturbed. Well, as I was walking into school to pick up Mackenzie she was having her temp taken by the front office lady. BOO! :@( The result??? High enough to be worrisome, but not high enough to warrant a trip to After Hours. Ever have one of those moments where your stomach just drops to your feet??? Yup, I had one of those.

Sad to say but I am kind of freaking out right now. Some kids seem to have fevers every other weekend so their mom’s are well equipped to handle it (Bee, Bear, Bird – I’m talking to you!). However, I can count on one hand the number of times Mackenzie has run one and when she does I tend to fall apart :@(

We’ll know more in the morning….or potentially overnight…but with any luck she will be better in the morning. In the meantime I’m trying to give it over to God and not stress about it…um, yeah, WAY easier said than done! (I seem to vaguely remember something in our last sermon about biblical femininity and trusting God…hmmmm….if only I could remember what that smart guy up front was saying….or I could just click here :@)

In addition to obsessing over….I mean observing….a sick child I am also trying to pull the details together for the Pighetti Dinner and Silent Auction that is only 2 days away!!! Eeekkk!!!! The food has been delivered (HUGE thank you to Kriss and her community group!!!) and most of the details seem to be covered. Just a reminder, dinner is served at 5:30 and bidding starts at 6:00. In addition to the auction items we are also planning a 50/50 raffle.

Stay tuned for some great last minute auction items!!

Post again soon!

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